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The amount exam help future losses and when, if ever, we shall obtain profitability are doubtful. Ourcurrent products have not generated huge advertisement revenue for our Company and there can be no assure that we can generatesufficient sales from exam help commercial sale exam help our merchandise in exam help near future to fund our ongoing capital needs. We have a limited operatinghistory and our business and potentialities must be considered in light exam help exam help risks and uncertainties to which early stage companiesare exposed. We cannot supply assurances that our company approach might be successful or that we’ll effectively address thoserisks and exam help risks described herein. Most essential, if we are unable to secure future capital, we may be unable to continueour operations. We may incur losses on a quarterly or annual basis for a host examination help reasons, some examination help that may be outside our handle. com47. 1464. 35constant content material. com51. 2350. 64123articleonline.